All of us at American Employment Agency would like to wish you a very happy holiday season!
Tag Archive for American Employment Agency
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving from the folks at American Employment Agency!
U.S. job creation
U.S. job creation roared higher in September as payrolls surged by 254,000. READ MORE
Slowdown to Renew
Why We Expect the Job Market’s Slowdown to Renew in 2024- Our latest economic forecast for employment growth, wage growth, and labor force participation. READ MORE
Looking for employment?
If you’re looking for employment, we’re here to help! We help individuals living in or moving to the Tallahassee area by matching their skills to the job listings that are available.
Wishing you
Wishing you a fun and safe 4th of July holiday!!! American Employment Agency
6 Job Market Trends to Be Aware of in 2024
6 Job Market Trends to Be Aware of in 2024– What should applicants be aware of as they apply for jobs in 2024? In this post, we’ll look at this year’s labor market trends, how they affect applicants and how job searchers can prepare for these changes. READ MORE
April’s jobs report
New career?
Looking for a new career this Spring? Give us a call- we can help you! American Employment Agency– 850-284-4432
Remote Jobs – March 2024
63 Best Fully Remote Jobs to Apply for in March 2024– As the calendar turns to March, job hunters may notice a surge in new listings. That’s because many companies now have a handle on their budgets for the new financial year, which starts in April. READ MORE